1. ฟื้นสภาพต้น แต่งกิ่งหลังเก็บเกี่ยว

Tree restoration is the fundamental step to produce flowers. After harvest, do pruning to produce the new leaves for the better photosynthesis and nutrient accumulation


  • By leaf: Spray Mommoth Fong Do 200 cc. mixed with 200 ltr. of water.
  • By soil: Scatter with Full House 10-50 g. per one tree.

2. Leaf production set and drenching

After tree restoration and the leaflets are uniform, accumulate the nutrients to produce two sets of leaves. The leaves should become mature simultaneously without the young leaf before drenching in order to have the entire flowers at the same time.

Drenching should be done in order to have the constant and uniform flowering and inflorescence. When the leaves become mature entirely and simultaneously, flower budding can be processed.

The good preparation will give 70-80% of flowers. Heavy rain might cause the low numbers of flowers so the nutrient accumulation will be in need.


  • Mix Mommoth Fong Do 200 cc. and Mommoth Sugar Express 200 cc. with 200 ltr. of water to spray the tree.
  • Mix Parko (Paclobutrazol) with water to pour on the canopy, 10 g. per one square meter.
  • By soil: Scatter Grogreen 24-10-10 300-500 g. per one tree.

3. สะสมอาหาร

After drenching, nutrient accumulation is important in order to produce flower buds. This is the most important step to make the leaves green before flower budding in order to have the flowers at the same time. Without the heavy rain, the flower budding is ready to be processed


  • Mix 200 ltr. of water with Fertiplant 3-15-35 300 g., Mommoth Calcium Magnesium 200 cc., Mommoth Supreme 0-28-18 200 cc., and Mommoth Sugar Express 200 cc. to spray the leaf to produce sugar and reduce nitrogen to bloom flower buds.

4. Flower budding

Spur phase is the phase of flowering. The flower bud is twisted as a chicken spur. If the apex is in a spear or erect shape, it is the leaflet budding, not the flower. The phase of inflorescence requires the intensive care as it needs more nutrients. Give more nutrient, Calcium Boron and algae and magnesium through the leaf to facilitate fruitage.


  • Mix 200 ltr. of water with Mommoth Calcium Boron 200 cc., Mommoth Folizyme GA 200 cc., Mommoth Sugar Express 200 cc., and Amarith 200 cc.

5. Thumb phase - Large fruit with nice peel

When the mango fruit has the thumb size, add Mommoth Folizym GA to expand the water and nutrient tubes, produce flesh, increase weight. Minimize the fruit-tip rot with Mommoth Calcium Boron and upsize the fruit

When the harvest season is approaching, reduce the nitrogen contaminating on the fruit by spraying Calcium Boron on the leaf. The wrapped mango will receive the nutrients from the leaf. It can be used with the raw mango and Barracuda mango.


  • Mix 200 ltr. of water with Mommoth Calcium Boron 200 cc., Mommoth Folizyme 200 cc., UMP Upsize 200 g., and Amrith 200 cc.